Sonntag, 26. Februar 2012


Greed (or self-interest) is a natural and important human trait in achieving our goals
and an essential aspect of the free market. Milton Friedman explains in this great video clip
why greed is important in improving the overall wellfare for society.

Have a look:

5 Kommentare:

  1. Visit morning,thanks for sharing,happy blogging.

  2. Nice and let me tell one thing that it not my hobby to post comment on other blogs but you written it very well so i made up my mind to post comment.
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  3. Interesting viewpoint. I don't know if I would define greed and self-interest as the same. I define Greed as the need to keep wanting/having at no concern for anyone else's welfare. Self-interest I would define as just that. There is nothing wrong with self-interest. Like you, I agree that in order to succeed and achieve one does need to put their own interests first -- at times. But, I do feel greed is wrong and it just promotes a never-ending cycle of wanting material possessions, power and control of others.

  4. Greed is an party of human nature so we should design an economy that capitalizes on that fact. It is as simple as that. Nice video.

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